Datakey - Totally not mainstream tech.
Read no moreWe understand that what you do, what you say, who you see, where you go, when you go, what you write are yours and yours alone. That's why every device has clever software in it. It's yours. You can
check it out, there are no viruses, no zombie bots, no security
back-doors, no trackers. Nothing leaves your home. Nothing is recorded, nothing is sent to anyone, nothing is sold to anyone.
When you buy a home device from us, it's yours. We will help you find someone to repair it. You can explore it, or ignore it. The choice is yours.
If you take out a contract with us there are no lock-ins, no punishments, no tie-ins, you can leave whenever you like. We value you as a householder, as a mother, as a care-giver, as a business owner, or working woman.
What can you do with it?
You might have your photos, and documents stored on the cloud. That's safe right? Maybe, but here's some things you might not know.
Free website and blog
Free password manager
Free phone calls
Lower energy costs
Easy to understand
All in one place
On all your devices, everywhere
Brainbox is secure
Datakey is trusted
Brainbox is protected