Your app will have the following files /manifest.json /index.php /main.js /main.css /sw.js /fallback_data.json /data.json /images/... /db_commands.sql
add a manifest with the following headings { "lang": "en", "tags": ["news","information","aggregator"], "app_category": "news/info", "name": "Brainfeed News Feed", "short_name": "Brainfeed", "version":"0.6", "description": "News to feed your brain", "developer_name": "Rupert Poo", "developer_url":"https://website.newton.house", "developer_payment_address": {"bitcoin":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}, "theme_color": "#070934", "background_color": "#448d76", "display": "minimal-ui", "start_url": ".", "scope": "/apps/Brainfeed/", "orientation": "portrait", "icons": [ { "src": "images/box-72.png", "sizes": "72x72", "type": "image/png" }, { "src": "images/box-144.png", "sizes": "144x144", "type": "image/png" }, { "src": "images/box-512.png", "sizes": "512x512", "type": "image/png" }, { "src": "images/maskable_icon.png", "sizes": "196x196", "type": "image/png", "purpose": "any maskable" } ], "splash_pages": null, "screenshots": [ { "src": "news_screenshot-1.png", "sizes": "1532x734", "type": "image/png" }, { "src": "news_screenshot-2.png", "sizes": "1522x491", "type": "image/png" } ] }Notes Here are some notes on each line (object property) of the manifest file
language how does the country code work? en, where is the list app_category must match one in the index found at https://datakey.io/server_apps/apps_index.json ie "app_category": "news/info" "tags": ["news","information","aggregator"], "name": "Brainfeed News Feed", "short_name": "Brainfeed", "version": "0.6", "description": "News to feed your brain", "developer_name": "Rupert Poo", "developer_url": "https://website.newton.house", "developer_payment_address": {"bitcoin":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}, "theme_color": "#070934", "background_color": "#448d76", "display": "minimal-ui", "start_url": ".", "scope": "/apps/Brainfeed/", "orientation": "portrait", "icons": an array of objects enclosed by [] each object has 3 properties ie { "src": "images/box-72.png", "sizes": "72x72", "type": "image/png"} src a relative path to the icon ie "images/box-144.png", sizes the h x w in pixels ie "72x72" type the image MIME type ie "image/png" maskable images are cool for web apps, see this url [] for more, and this url [] to test and this url [] to make a maskable icon from one of your own maskable images have one extra property to specify "purpose": "any maskable" see an example object in the array below each object is comma separated inside the array for example { "src": "images/box-144.png", "sizes": "144x144", "type": "image/png" }, { "src": "images/box-512.png", "sizes": "512x512", "type": "image/png" }, { "src": "images/maskable_icon.png", "sizes": "196x196", "type": "image/png", "purpose": "any maskable" } "splash_pages": if no splash pages set this property to null ie "splash_pages": null, [what does it look like if there are splash pages] what are splash pages where do they go, and where are they used splash pages are used by the browser when the app is loading if there is a delay in fetching resources "screenshots": an array of objects each object has src, size, type properties src ... size ... type ... each object property is written in the same way that icons are (examples above) screenshots are used in Brainbox or other apps which list server apps available for download
There is a Natural Language Processing library (NLQ)
Datakey has these APIs which can be called from your app
If you improve or change your app you can upload a new version.
Every install of your app will earn you crypto rewards. At install you will receive